Search Results | astronomical unit

Your search for "astronomical unit" returned 192 results

22 Astronomical Events to Look Out for in 2023

Head's up, stargazers! Mark your calendars for the 22 must-see events this year.

How Comets Work

Comets are remarkable pieces of our universe's past, and they tell us a great deal about how the universe was formed. Learn about the long but rewarding process of discovering and analyzing comets.

How the Metric System Works

Ever heard of a little unit called a femtometer? Can you tell us how much you weigh -- in petagrams? We know you can't, so hurry up and start reading. We have work to do.

What Is a Light-year?

A light-year is a way of measuring distance, which doesn't make much sense because "light-year" contains the word "year," which is normally a unit of time. So, how does a light-year measure distance?

What Are the Solar System Planets in Order?

You know Saturn and Venus and Mars. Can you put the eight planets of the solar system in the correct order? There are several ways to do this.

How Asteroids Work

What exactly are asteroids? And what was the NEAR Shoemaker mission about?

Why Snakebite Antivenom Is So Astronomically Expensive

In the United States, a single vial of snakebite antivenom can cost thousands of dollars. HowStuffWorks looks at the reasons behind the high price.

The Truth Behind the Rogue Planet Nibiru

The idea of planet Nibiru, sometimes dubbed Planet X, has captivated doomsday prophets and conspiracy theorists for decades.

Is Planet Nine Actually a Primordial Black Hole?

As the search for Planet Nine wears on, researchers are pondering what else object could be. HowStuffWorks asks the question and talks to an expert.

Pluto Is Just One of Millions of Objects in the Kuiper Belt

The Kuiper Belt is a ring around the sun that's home to millions of comets, moons, dwarf planets and other celestial objects. How did they get there?

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